Event News

All important news regarding this event is posted here:

2017-09-26: The program book is now available for download. More information provided here.

2017-09-21: Some important reminders for conference attendees: please be sure to inform us of any dietary requests or restrictions, please review the presenter guidelines on the website, and please make sure to register, book your accommodations and (if desired) reserve a ticket for the Lake Louise excursion.

2017-08-20: Early registration deadline extended to August 25, 2017.

2017-06-14: A preliminary program is now available. More information provided here.

2017-06-14: All abstract submission decisions have been announced by email.

2017-06-12: Early registration is now available, with discounted registration fees in effect until August 15, 2017.

2017-06-12: Accepting late-news submissions. Deadline on August 10, 2017.

2017-03-31: Abstract submission deadline extended to April 15, 2017.

2017-03-15: Abstract submission deadline extended to March 29, 2017.

2017-03-14: Please contact for any questions on the submission form.

2017-02-15: Accepting abstract submissions. Ends on March 15, 2017.

2017-02-14: The conference flyer is now available and can be downloaded here.