Current Sponsors and Supporting Organizations

sponsor logos

Additional support provided by

ARO logo NSF logo

Sponsorship Information

Support of ISSLED 2017 serves as visible evidence of your organization's commitment to the optoelectronic community. Exposure and recognition are based on your level of support. The following sponsorship levels are available based on your total contribution:

UV Sponsor ($10,000)

As a UV Sponsor, your organization will be affiliated with all aspects of the event, and will receive considerable exposure and recognition through the following benefits:

Blue Sponsor ($5,000)

As a Blue Sponsor, your organization will receive exposure and recognition through the following benefits:

Green Sponsor ($3,000)

As a Green Sponsor, your organization will receive exposure and recognition through the following benefits:

Red Sponsor ($2,000)

As a Red Sponsor, your organization will receive exposure and recognition through the following benefits:

Event Sponsor

As an Event Sponsor, your organization will receive exposure and recognition in the program and during the following event:

Poster Session ($1,500) - 2 available

Coffee Break ($1,000) - 8 available

Sponsor Registration

Interested companies may submit their information below. Upon confirmation of your application, you will be contacted with payment information.