ISSLED 2017 Speakers

Plenary Speakers

Shuji Nakamura, UCSB, USA
Invention of high efficient blue LED and future solid state lighting

Hideki Hirayama, Riken, Japan
Progress of AlGaN UVC LED and challenge to GaN THz-QCL

Michael Kneissl, TU Berlin, Germany
Prospects and challenges for AlGaN-based deep UV LED technologies

Berthold Hahn, Osram, Germany
Perspectives of solid state lighting

Invited Speakers

Yasuhiko Arakawa, Tokyo University, Japan
Progress in single photon emitters based on GaN quantum dots

Frank Bertram, Otto-von-Gueriche University, Germany
Highly spatially resolved investigation luminescence of III-nitrides nanostructures using STEM-CL

Pallab Bhattacharya, University of Michigan, USA
III-Nitride Nanowire Monolithic Diode Lasers and Photonic Integrated Circuit on (001)Silicon

Gianluigi Botton, McMaster University, Canada
High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy and Energy Loss Spectroscopy Applications to Semiconductor Nanostructures

Shigefusa Chichibu, Tohoku, Japan
Vacuum-fluorescent-display devices emitting polarized deep-ultraviolet and visible lights using m-plane Al1-xInxN epitaxial nanostructures

Yong-Hoon Cho, KAIST, Korea
Highly Efficient Classical and Quantum Emitters Based on Nitride Semiconductor Nanostructures

Ramon Collazo, North Carolina State University, USA
Point defect control in III-nitrides by chemical potential and defect quasi Fermi level control

Martin Dawson, Strathclyde University, UK
Gallium nitride micro-LEDs for structured illumination and visible light communications

Phil Dawson, Manchester, UK
Optical Properties of InGaN Quantum Well Structures as a Function of Carrier Density

Gregory Garrett, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, USA
Interplay of Carrier Transport and Radiative Lifetime in Vertical III-Nitride Laser Structures

Nicolas Grandjean, EPFL, Switzerland
GaN tunnel junctions for advanced optoelectronic devices

Jung Han, Yale, USA
Nonpolar and Semipolar GaN for solid-state lighting: will this ever become real?

Hongxing Jiang, Texas Tech, USA
Hexagonal boron nitride epilayers for deep UV photonics

Jong Kyu Kim, POSTECH, Korea
Enhanced light extraction from AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes

Emmanouil Kioupakis , University of Michigan, USA
Understanding and mitigating Auger recombination in nitride LEDs

Ronny Kirste, Adroit Materials, USA
Development of mid UV laser diodes

Katsumi Kishino, Sophia University, Japan
InGaN/(Al)GaN-based nanocolumn (NC) arrays and their light-emitter applications

Yoshinao Kumagai, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Development of bulk AlN substrates for deep-UV optoelectronic devices by HVPE method

Maki Kushimoto, Nagoya University, Japan
Semipolar InGaN optical devices on patterned Si substrates

Kei May Lau, HK University of Sci & Tech, Hong Kong
Monolithic LED Micro-display: LEDoS Technologies and Applications

Sheng Liu, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Novel light emission engineering using III-V dielectric metasurfaces

Eva Monroy, CEA Grenoble, France
Intersubband transitons in GaN nanowires: towards the nanowire QWIP

Piotr Perlin, Unipress, Poland
Nitride light emitters - from superluminescent diodes to semiconductor optical amplifiers

Lorenzo Rigutti, Université de Rouen, France
Assessing advantages and limitations of atom probe tomography for the nanoscale interpretation of the optical properties of III-nitride heterostructures

Jong-In Shim, Hanyang University, Korea
A Measurement Method of Internal Quantum Efficiency in Light-Emitting Diodes at an Actual Operating Temperature

Qian Sun, Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics - CAS, China
III-Nitride LEDs and Laser Diodes Grown on Si

Tao Wang, University of Sheffield, UK
Non-polar and Semi-polar GaN for photonics and electronics

Xin-Qiang Wang, Beijing University, China
InGaN monlayer: MBE growth and microstructure analysis

Jonathan Wierer, Lehigh University, USA
Routes to ultra-efficient III-nitride emitters for solid-state lighting

Yuh-Renn Wu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Study of Carrier Transport and Recombination in Disordered InGaN Quantum Well Light Emitting Diode With Localization Landscape Theory

Atsushi Yamaguchi, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Carrier Dynamics Studies of III-Nitride Materials Using Simultaneous Photo-Acoustic and Photoluminescence Measurements

Rong Zhang, Nanjing University, China
Fabrication of GaN Nano-LED Devices by Nanoimprint Lithography